Sometimes the chaos of the season seems to steamroll any
source of peace you try to schedule in. Despite the craziness last week we were
able to enjoy and laugh at a few moments.
The Hunt: Last
Sunday we went to get our tree. It is our tradition to cut our tree out of the
pasture behind my in-laws house as we did this year. Each year it is
challenging to fit it in because of other events and it is actually hunting
season, deer hunting. So after church we bundled up and added our hunters
orange and headed out for the tree. We were on a time schedule due to a
Christmas party our daughter had that afternoon. To help us stay on the
schedule we were hurried by the entrance of a couple hunters coming into the
pasture next to ours. This of course made me a little nervous, even though they
were well aware of our loud family of 7 a couple hundred feet from them. We
decided we better make a decision between the trees we had found so far, which
was an easy one since one of the two choices, and unfortunately the favorite of
the kids, was about 6foot in diameter. A little too big for our house thought
they had creative ways in mind to make it fit. So the boys cut down the tree
and we packed it up and all loaded back into the truck all while my husband tried to keep our noise down out of
respect for the hunters. Only to find we had lost the dog. So we had to drive
circles around calling and whistling for her. He worried that she followed the
hunters, me worried that our 12yr old dog had a heart attack in the woods
following the truck. As it turns out she found my in-laws dog and they were by
the gate running energetically around. So we headed out and not long after so
did the hunters, probably figured we scared any deer within a mile away.
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Clustered ornaments |
Decorating Party:
That evening we brought the tree into the house and began decorating. The kids
of course were crazy, Dad and all. Getting all the wrestling out of their
system before it was no longer allowed in the living room with the fully
decorated tree. Back when we just had 2 kids a wrestling match knocked our tree
to the ground. Christmas music on and me trying to keep the little ones form
tearing through the ornaments box it felt a little out of control. I then made
a conscience effort to try to relax and not be so controlling while decorating.
I still helped hand out ornaments and made sure the correct kids got to hang
their special ornaments, but I actually let the kids get one out of the box
after that. That is a big step for me. After the decorating was done, I only
moved ornaments that I hung personally to fill in the holes, also very hard for
me. You know though some of the crazy hangings really made the tree look great.
For some reason the kids hung many ornaments tight to the trunk which at first
I wanted to spread them out, but at the end I liked it. There was also the
competition of who could hand the highest and lowest ornaments. The highest
besides the topper was hung with a roll of wrapping paper and the lowest, by our
3 year old by accident. Her big brother was impressed it was so low it sits on
the ground. Later I had a flash back to my days growing up and decorating the
tree. My dad had made for our first Christmas a cardboard star wrapped in
aluminum foil for a tree topper. As years passed my mom wanted to put angels or
fancier stars atop. We kids just wanted that star. Our first Christmas my mom
bought an angel for our tree topper so we would have our own. I myself would
have that star as I have yet to see a star I liked as much. As it seems though I
am now in my mom’s shoes as my youngest said her favorite ornament on the whole
tree is our pretty angel on top. I am afraid it will be there for the long
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Highest Ornament |
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Lowest Ornament |
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Final Product |
Below are the readings for the week, which I have strayed
from. Sorry for not posting them last week:
Monday Nm24:2-7, 15-17a/Mt21:23-27
Tuesday: Gn 492, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17
Weds: Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25
Thurs: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Lk 1:5-25
Fri: Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38
Sat: Sg2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Lk 1:39-45
Sun: Is 7:10-14/Rom 1:1-7/Mt 1:18-24