About Me

A little more about Mom2five

Me: Samantha

Married 20 years with 5 children

When I have time like to: Run, read, Camp, Hike, water-ski, scrapbook, bake

Occupation, Stay at home Mom, part time church secretary. 

College, Kansas State University Bachelors of Architectural Engineering

Other Hats:  Wife of 20 years, Daughter, granddaughter, daughter in –law, Sister, sister in-law, Friend, Soccer Mom, Dance Mom, Basketball Mom, Band Mom, Baseball Mom, taxi, Housekeeper(part time), Cook, Bookkeeper, Nurse, Church Volunteer, Soccer Volunteer, PTO

Before I was a Mom and Wife: Student Council, Track, Cross Country, Cheerleader, and Dance

Previous Jobs: Dance Teacher, Carpet and Floor Cleaning Assistant, Old Time Photographer, Student Office Helper, Intern on a Construction Site, Engineering Intern, Engineer

About my crew:

Husband: Kansas State Graduate, Construction Science and Management, works in that field operations. Can build anything I ask, enjoys hunting, fishing, and being outdoors. Is our household maintenance man, mechanic, yard keeper, firewood chopper, and my rock!

Our Children marked by how we lovingly refer to them at times, and count off to be sure all 5 have successfully made it into the car when we leave somewhere.

#1, 19yr old boy: In his second year of college studying construction management. He is an active member of the Newman Club and is a strong and faithful young man. He has tackled many activities he played soccer, basketball, baseball, trumpet, and added track and cross country in his junior year of high school and now thoroughly enjoys competing in college. He loves to read (faster reader than his mom), young at heart! He is handsome through and through.

 #2, 17 year old girl: Plays soccer, runs cross country and track. She works in the school bank and when she has time for Boys and Girls club. She also assists in religious education and is a lector at church. She has great patience with kids, outside of our house :).  She is a senior this year and trying to plan her future, which is a big task. She likes to cook and do crafts, loves school, a talented athlete, quietly determined, stubborn (like her Dad), beautiful inside and out.

 #3, 15 year old boy: Plays soccer and LOVES to build things and be outdoors, his brains always ticking. Very smart, but does not like school, good sense of humor, stubborn (like his Dad), but soft at heart especially for his little sisters, though he tries hard not to show it. He is anxiously awaiting 16 when he can more freely drive himself places. Dimples that will melt many girls’ hearts (like his Dad)

 #4, 13 year old girl: Plays soccer, basketball, softball, scholars bowl, band, jazz band and student council. You name it and she wants to do it., likes to be in the spot light, energetic and excited about everything (a lot like her oldest brother) excellent reader, thanks to her oldest sister. She is always happy and works hard at whatever she is doing, except maybe cleaning. She has a smile that will light up a room (like her Dad).

 #5, 9 year old girl: She has jumped in just like the rest, plays soccer, t-ball, basketball. She is grea in school, if she wants to. A vocabulary of twice her age. She gets a lot of attention from her siblings which sometimes makes her think she is in charge. She loves to do crafts and needs some electronic breaking as many kids her age in this day. She loves to sing and dance around and play whatever her older siblings want to play with her. Her eyes are amazing (like her Dad’s)

Favorite Quote:

“If God brings you to it, He’ll get you through it.”

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