My mom is continually trying to get me to start running again; her and my Dad actually just completed their first Marathon, which should have
gotten me motivated. But it took reading Embracing the 12 minute mile to get me out
the door. No, check point 1 was not complete, but I was going running. The
kids were home so I wouldn’t even have to push the buggy for my first New Year
Despite the fact that I had Peach Cake for breakfast, at
least it had fruit in it, no water yet, my 2 cups of coffee had enough water in it
right? I quickly went to my closet and got my running shoes before I lost the
spark. Looking for additional motivation I put on my Turkey Trot t-shirt from
Thanksgiving, a fun run I ran with my kids mostly because I didn’t want to know
how slow I would run on my own. Over top my K-State track sweatshirt and jacket. I put my ponytail high like I used to and topped it
with my ponytail hole hat that my daughter makes fun of. I purposely didn’t
look at the thermometer, I already knew it was cold(30deg when I finished) and headed outside. I did feed the cats and dog on my way out and to my 13 year
old dog’s disappointment I locked her in the back yard. I was lucky to have the
motivation to get myself going I wasn’t sure I had enough for the both of us.
I began running!!
I was actually pretty excited. I really do love to run, I
just want to start where I left off, not start over. Training has given me so
much strength in everyday life. I too like Lazy Mom Running credit running to 5 childbirths with no
epidural or pain meds. In Lamaze when they gave me a sheet showing the
progression of contractions, it looked like an interval workout to me and I
knew I could do it. I dream about
running and feeling strong again like I used to. Watching my son race cross country, and daughter in the 5th grade track meet brought tears to my eyes. In the fall when I see the beautiful leaves I
think of cross country, the smell or rubber and sweat gives me visions of
indoor track, the scent of new blooms in the spring and I am back in outdoor track
season. As I was thinking all this I actually started to cry. I had to make
myself stop, from crying not running. I knew
in about 5 minutes I would have enough trouble breathing as it was, I didn’t
need to accelerate the process.
Later on my second hill, I was regretting wearing my K-state track attire hoping no one would drive by and see
them. As slow as I was moving they would likely think I had a
kid who ran at
K-state instead of it being me. Maybe I should have brought the buggy at least I would've looked younger that way. After 2 houses of mean barking dogs, a cow that wanted to
run along the fence with me, and praying the “Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory
Be” to distract myself up the last hill. I made it! It really felt good,
mentally. I am not sure of the distance, but I will be clocking it next time I
drive that way.
When I got inside, I was thirsty, I guess coffee doesn't cut it for hydration. My legs already felt a little tight walking downstairs
to put wood in the stove. When I came back up my 6 year old said to me, “Mom, you look
like a runner”. I smiled, hugged her and
said thank you. She had no idea how much that meant to me.
I am happy to report
within an hour of finishing I was caught up on the chores, had Pizza Muffins in the oven
from a recipe off pintrest and wrote my rough draft of this post. The rest of
the day was much more productive too, even with all the kids’ home.
I always thought it was silly when I heard
Mom’s say they need “ME” time, but maybe it’s true. My Mom always said running was the
way she was able to refresh herself. I may not need a shopping trip or a night
out on the town, but maybe I needed to run! Running wasn’t on my list of
Focus Goals this week, but it is now. It DOES fit in. It build’s my relationship with God
what better place to spend time with God than outside in his space. It also
gives me fresh energy, which gives more of me to my family, not to mention
setting a good example to my kids.And who cares if my shadow looked more like someone who’d never ran before than Melody Fairchild yesterday, that’s OK, I was still glad I went, and I plan to go again today.
Sometimes Mom’s are right, I wish I would have
listened to her sooner. Don’t get any ideas Mom; I am not training for a
marathon yet :)
I stopped briefly to take the picture of one of the hills and I was hoping to share it, but couldn’t figure out how to get it off my phone so all I have to share is the picture above. Which is what the hills looked like to me and my number one rule on running hills:
Never stop on a hill, no matter how bad you feel, you’ll lose momentum physically and mentally. Just another way running applies to life. I made it to the top without stopping, maybe I'm not be as out of shape as I thought.
Samantha your running has always been an inspiration to me. I have checked out my shadow before trying to match your stride. It's true I remember what you looked like running....Just keep going and you don't have to wait until summer to mow that path in the yard.
ReplyDeleteYou bring tears to my eyes, Thank you! I am sure that the stride I had yesterday is not the one you remember, but hey once a runner always a runner right! You are still a step ahead of me, I have never run a half. :) Today the pasture is looking pretty attractive, smaller hills, and right now I wouldn't even have to mow.
DeleteWell done Samantha. I struggle with the guilt part of it all too, but my Dad always told me that running to become a better version of yourself is the best thing you can do for your family every day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the motivation Jeff. That is great advice. I may have to add that to words of wisdom!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the honor, Samantha. You are my inspiration now, having had 5 children and running now, too! I hope to be a "super mom" like you someday :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Trails,
Melody Fairchild
How exciting to see your comment this morning! Thank you for taking the time. I visited your website. It is neat to see all you are doing with your talents. Your comment is added motivation to keep trying to squeeze in that run. Thank you!
DeleteI don't see my response Samantha Ann ...but of course I am crying again .. soooooo maybe that Disney World Marathon is a thought in the back of your mind ...yes pushy but truth is I am 56 and so want you to do this with me...I would do it for you my sweet daughter :D ....
ReplyDelete.Thanks for the nice comment Melody and taking the time to do it...we all know as runners that we actually are different people .... and unless you are a runner people don't understand how much of a love running is is in every way :D