It always amazes me how it only takes a one busy day for my
house to fall apart and weeks to get back in the rhythm. I did make some
headway last week, but I have a ways to go.
Still struggling to get things done around the house before doing the
“other things.” It is sad how I feel
urgent to get things done for others but yet a back log of laundry seems to be
OK to put off. I would say that it is OK
to put some household tasks on the back burner, for a short time that is. When it
becomes the norm people start running out of socks and underwear! So I am still
focusing this week on getting back into routine.
Science Fair: Two of the three projects are complete.Nothng too exciting. In fact the boards and reports not very thorough, but no different than any other year and everyone seems to get an A. I really should put more expectations on the kids myself for these projects since they don't at school. It just seems like it falls in such a busy time of year for us. Of course when is not busy?

Weather: It’s SNOWING! I can’t help but enjoy the beautiful big snowflakes despite the fact that it is April 23. This is also why the chicks are in my kitchen and not the garage it’s too cold! There is sleet and snow in the forecast all day. So another day to send emails for cancelled soccer practice, what a crazy spring we are having. Crossing my fingers the baseball game is cancelled too and we will have 2 nights in a row at home!
Meals: We did have a
couple “real” meals to finish off last week. I cheated and ordered pizza one
night. I really need to dig out some of my old easy recipes for weeknight meals.
I have definitely lacked in meal planning lately.
Well no where to go during the day today, so if I get off
the computer and make good use of my time, there is a chance I may be back on schedule
for laundry!
FOCUS Goals for week of
April 22, 2013
New Goals, comments,
and excuses are in purple below.
Goals for a Better Home
1. Personal Focus to better my relationship with God.
and end each day with prayer. Read two chapters in the Bible.
if I can. (Does Running to get to a game, or leaving one game to get to the other
count? I am in a sad state for exercise right now!)
Remove distractions at key times.
computer 6:30-8:00am and 3:00-5:00pm
volunteering tasks until my family tasks are underway each day.
3. Add
something to give more of me to my family.
a minute when everyone gets home each night to see what is going on with them
and what needs to get done. The end of the year is SOOO busy!
my family better meals.
Goals for a Better House
1. Daily Check Points: Work harder on my Daily Check Points to
avoid falling farther behind.
2. Weekly: Catch up on tasks and “to do list”.
Mon: Catch UP! Laundry! Turn in
final t-shirt order for soccer teams, pickup game scores from the weekend.
Clean out chicken incubator.
Tues: Catch UP! Clean out chicken
cage, boy they make a mess fast. Post Soccer League game scores. Laundry!
Soccer Email updates.
Weds: Catch up! Soccer Email
Thurs: Catch up! Pick up Team
T-shirts hopefully??
Fri: Catch up! Soccer lineups for
Fri & Sat.. Prep for the last CCD class. Almost summer despite the snow J
3. Monthly: Projects and deep cleaning still on
hold until I get caught up.
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